Someone disagreed with a comment I wrote on LinkedIn. OMG! Yes, LinkedIn. The safest of the safe space social media destinations. What am I to do?
For you greenhorns, there’s a disagreement about the use of helicopters instead of the traditional Crew Transport Vessels for reaching offshore turbines. I had no idea how deep these feeling went. Well, they are deeper than Davy Jones’ locker. Deeper than Whale sh!t. That’s pretty deep.
I was warned about the third rail of offshore turbines a few months ago. I actually chuckled when it was explained. My response was, “Really? Come, on. Nobody is that hard core over about vessels vs. copters. Who cares?” Well, more than couple people on LinkedIn, that’s who.
There’s a great report by the Boston Consulting Group which covers the CTV, helicopter, and Service Operation Vessels (SOV) dilemma. That report - Offshore Wind: Future of logistics - works through a number of offshore scenarios and provides recommendations for reduced operational costs and CO2 emissions.
And what do you know? A combined used of CTVs, SOVs, and helicopters provides the most efficient method of transport of people and equipment. It all depends on what the task is, how far the turbines are from shore, and whether the turbines are stopped. Makes sense.
Now let’s discuss safety. There are loud discussions regarding the safety of helicopters vs. vessels. Vessels don’t tend to fall from the sky. But violent seas can wreak havoc on vessel crews and increase the chance of injury. This report from G+ has the details - G+ Report. Helicopters are complex machines that can falter. That said, helicopter safety has improved with better technology and training. The latest generation of helicopters are remarkably safe - check out this report HeliOffshore Safety Performance Report.
Again, it comes down to using the right tool for the job.
Which was the point of my LinkedIn comments.
Addendum: the LinkedIn shootout included a number of comments about Americans “telling” non-Americans what to do. I’ve heard this complaint about Americans before, and yes, I get it. No one wants to be told what to do. Let me make this perfectly clear - this American doesn’t care how anyone chooses to service offshore turbines.
Make up your own mind. I’m good with it - not that you're asking.
Stay charged!